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Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Thorpe On Tour: T-40 Days: That Escalated Quickly

Well, this has got awkward fast.

The exam board have just released my results and i'm not going to lie....they're shit. Honestly I thought I had done miles better than this...sure the Spanish was always going to be a car crash but the fact both exams were JUST passes really worries me...especially with one of them, i thought id nailed it!

Module Description Credit Weight % Grade Mark Result

BUSI22630 Marketing Management (HY2) 20
Low 2.2 53 Pass

40 High 2.1 68

60 Low 3rd 42

BUSI22680 Exp. Strategy and Innovation 20
Low 3rd 41 Pass

60 Low 3rd 42

40 Marginal Fail 38

INTB20101 Acct & Fin for Intl Mngrs 20
Mid 2.1 65 Pass

100 Mid 2.1 65

INTB20121 The Intl Busi Environment 20
Mid 3rd 45 Pass

100 Mid 3rd 45

INTB20440 Intercultural Effectiveness 1 10
Mid 2.2 55 Pass

100 Mid 2.2 55

INTB20445 Intercultural Effectiveness 2 10
Marginal Fail 38 Referred

100 Marginal Fail 38 Referred by Coursework

ULPS10102 ULP Spanish stage 1 20 Low Fail 18 Referred
Coursework 70 Low Fail 18 First Sit In Aug/Sep
Coursework 30 Low Fail 18
Referred by Coursework

So yeah, makes for quite shit reading to be honest...i can take some solace in the fact that mid term coursework is still going alright (Accounting is saving my grade SO MUCH) but what annoys me is marketing...I mean look at that coursework, I know more than the damn exam would lead on! The Strategy & Innovation doesn't surprise me all too much but considering 40% of the exam was multiple choice that should have been a given...

Total Aggregate Score:  44.7%
Now that sounds awful but we have to remember Spanish is contributing to that...once that gets bumped to a 40% at the least then it will be far better (If i work it out right, up to about 48/49%...which is alot easier to work with) And thats not saying i don't get more than the base 40%, theoretically speaking i need Spanish v2 to be roughly 55/60% for me to walk out of the first year with a 2:2 and a realistic shot of getting a 2:1 in the final year at least i have an aim!

Where to go from here?

I'm lucky i one fact in that the entire of Spanish is being given a second chance, after some much needed negotiations on my side (selling sand to the Arabs style...FU MARKETING!) I will be taking that again out in America completely uncapped ...given the current aggregate percentage I need to basically be fluent come exam day to drag this up to an amount that doesn't require sucking massive dick to get an overall 2:1...sort of proves that next year i need to pull my finger out even more (and believe me, i had already!)

Intercultural sadly is a capped resit, its tedious because 2% can be compensated by the board but in my case they seem to have refused, normally i wouldn't mind too much but at first glance i was told it was 48% not 38%....such is life.


Got boned, hard. One of my modules in America now matters ALOT and one of them needs to be resit before I even fly out...can't get that one wrong really...Slightly worrying, but defiantly salvageable

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