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Monday, 15 July 2013

Thorpe On Tour: T-35 Days: Some Kind of Dreamer

This is the happiest week of my life

That statement is no exaggeration...I am not saying that lightly, the past week has made me smile and cry tears of joy more than I have ever done before, and by quite a margin as well...everything that could go right has gone right, both for me and for those that I love...Eventually this will all come to an end as all good things must, but for the moment this is a wave of euphoria that I hope lasts for a long while yet.

Finding A Diamond in the Desert

Amidst scorching heat, in the city of love itself, one of my closest friends proposed to his girlfriend (also a very close friend of mine) and are now engaged. I literally broke down in tears the moment I read the news, not because it affected me at all...but more for the fact that over the years the pair of them had found bad luck, had generally been stiffed in relationships or found them to be too good to be true...when I see them together it brings a smile to all those around them. Sure there's been conflicts as there would be in any relationship, but considering how much they've been through in the past its been relatively plain sailing...on the steps of the Louvre two people spent a moment together happier than they will be for some time to come...and for them both I, heck all of us, wish them all the love in the world. They both truly deserve it.

The Party of A Lifetime

What made me proud, and got me crying twice in the space of ten minutes was one simple message...that not only made me realise id grown to be a man but also realise that i have the most amazing friends in the world...

So you're planning the stag in style right mr best man? #obviouschoice

Me? As best man? It's an honor to be chosen to carry the title, I understand the responsibilities that the position carries and will carry them out to the best of my ability. But the stag do...People who know me understand I LOVE to organize massive occasions, this will easily be the biggest I plan...think of it this way, for my 21st birthday it was a two week festival...can you imagine the things I have planned for the stag/my best friend on his last days of freedom? Watch This Space.

The Dream Becomes Reality

These tears were all being shed during the tournament that was literally scripted from my dreams if only they tore out the last page! This weekend I took part in DTD's Summer Deepstack...£115 of backers investments got me into a place like you would never imagine...I played my heart out, it's the best I have EVER played...given my friends happening not to mention my dad winning loads as well it seemed almost destined to be a good sure was!

Two days, 461 players, £50,000 in the prizepool...

A-Game? Check.
Day 2? Check.
Cash? Check.
Final Table? Check.
Win? Not Quite...

The best A-Game I could muster produced the best result for a poker tournament I have ever achieved...2nd place, for £7,000...let me put that into perspective, that amount of money is more than the whole years student loans I will receive for 2013/2014...its four times more than my largest ever has DOUBLED my lifetime earnings overnight! Sure I only get £1,050 of that for my 15% share, but it has opened up new realms of possibilities...

Backers are over the moon, stakers are now starting to be interested, i've been getting prominent coverage on the largest poker news outlet in the country! ( for one tournament!

I lost to a good friend, which made it bitter sweet...from 27 players I knew it was meant to be...the banter was terrific and I truly lost to the better man on the day. Jonathan, I tip my hat to you...1-0 motherfucker ;-)

Where From Here?

That is anyone's guess...a stag do to plan, a wedding to help with, a trip to America only five weeks away off the back of my largest ever win...I may just end up playing something massive after all of this...

To bink that....can you imagine? I can....guess you could call me some kind of dreamer.

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