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Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Blogger's Dream

Now it's not often i get the chance to write up one of these blogs for nothing but personal gain, but today seems the chance. Although in fairness, id have written about this anyway.

In just about a weeks time, this very blog could be put into the public consciousness, how? through the WBCOOP (World Bloggers Championship of Online Poker). Its exclusive, its got some pretty nifty prizes, its likely to be full of people with a mixed range of talent, some there for a good time...some there to take it serious. But more than that...its a step forward for not only me. But my backers alike.

These events offer SCOOP tickets as prizes....the very events that cause dreams to be made, cast and thrown into the minds of those who play them. I would play them anyway. but the more tickets earned as a result...the better it gets for everyone...why? because ive already penciled in the events i want to play (based on last years schedule...come on pokerstars give me my damn list for this year!) every ticket won will just be added into the schedule rather than free-rolling me into events...

As for the series itself...should i cash, a ticket gets posted into the account...for the $5,000 main event. And that's where my passion lies for this...people who read this blog know full well about the ferocity i put into these kinds of events...and that kind of cash (around £3,200 at last check) would put me into the events ive dreamt of for so many years...

If i won it? it would pay for the dream of a lifetime, the UKIPT Nottingham would become an instant seller, rather than me having to find backers to make up whatever i would pay for events in the SCOOP as also fairly certain it'd take me on holiday as a treat for the victory..., it would pay for the victory party of a lifetime as well...ive booked out various nightclubs in Nottingham because of wins before...pretty certain you can do alot with that kind of cash (free bar anyone? :D). But the victory itself would give me one thing that money cannot thing that, as it stands...ive come close to but never actually felt.


Ive come within one card of becoming a world champion before...and that, to this day...leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, so to be able to call myself the best poker playing blogger in the world? with the bankroll to put me into the events ive spent the best part of my life trying to get to?

Where do i sign?...

(Also in backing news, currently the shares for the UKIPT Nottingham are evaporating at an alarming rate...seems turning around 10,000% ROI is causing people to stump up and put some faith in a stubborn horse!...remember that its £3.85 per share, worth 0.25% of the winnings from the event, which could turn £3.85 to an estimated £375...pretty certain if you bought four lottery tickets and got back four hundred quid you'd be loving life :D)

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