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Thursday, 6 December 2012

Three Minutes And Your Dead....Poker's "Shot Clock"

Its been quite a few months since i last made a post on here, and i appologise for that, largely the reason was that nothing relevant was coming up and the fact uni has started up again (Workshop tomorrow run by the group...should be fun :D) but something recently has got me debating...

Poker is a game of tough choices, niche circumstances, tough players and defining moments, some can think lightning fast, some take stupid amounts of time...this is true of any game you play, be it a simple five pound home game, be it a freezeout at your local casino, or be it on tour or at the world series...everyone has seen it, everyone has seen the extremes...but now the topic has become front page news, ive sat down and thought about it alot.

During the world series final this year, 3 handed play took as long as entire days can take....yes, two people busting took as long as 3000+ could, now obviously im not drawing direct comparisons between the two, but the simple maths is that to bust two people took nearly TWELVE HOURS....people on the east coast got a good nights sleep and still technically missed nothing!!

Now alot of pro's and amateurs alike have been calling on the idea of a "Shot clock", by which i mean a forced timer on people's actions...say for example in a hand, no matter what, you have...say 60 seconds to make a decision, don't make it by then? your hand's dead. simple as.

One of the main advocates (what a surprise, he's an advocate/opinionated for/on almost everything) is Daniel Negreanu, ive recently been listening to a video interview over on Card Player that he did this week (You can find it here) about his idea of a shot clock and the reasons behind going to outline them all with my opinions, along with personal im fully aware i wont get even 1% of the views he does, nor will i get even 1% of people giving a damn....but its a public forum, damn me if im gonna voice an opinion xD. At the end i will draw my own conclusion so if you wanna go all tl;dr on me, feel free, my views at the bottom.


1. One tank, 2 minutes after that - Now i like this idea, obviously people are going to have that one moment in their tournament which is, as i said earlier, a defining moment. After that they wont get another chance and he will give them a standardized amount of time, which under current tournament rules is completely a few things i would say is the obvious question to Daniel (in the 1,000,000-1 shot he reads this) that once per day? or is this one tank for the entire comp? because id be getting intensely pissy with you if i drew your table day 1, and thought it was worth my tournament life, then you decide to hound me on the final table...2 minutes is enough there yes, but not always, and far less than normal that's for sure...

2. We can read people for longer than 2 minutes - Now this is a fair argument, i have been known personally to stare someone down very deep into a tourney, and its been a solid four minutes before they started to crack...and those cracks ultimately have led to decisions which won me the hand, i would hasten to add though that you don't need that long for EVERY hand, there are some players in the poker world that take 30 seconds to decide if they are gonna call the big that's completely ridiculous, at the end of the day all of this is situational, and in the end no matter who you are you cant standardize each instance or each hand...its impossible to truly quantify each decision made without being in that persons head...

3. Self policing vs TD policing - Now this is one of my own that im thinking to the masses...with the current rules in place, in a traditional tournament that's not shot clock specific, we would have to personally enforce this idea every time someone overstepped their time i personally want to focus on the players, focus on their movements, the way they handle their chips, my hands, my choices...its less of not being bothered but more about prioritizing things, and im sure i share the sentiments of others in that we are all there to play poker, not to enforce our own "clock" on everyone else, every single hand...sure its not alot of effort per say, that said i wouldn't make it my top priority either...another factor to consider is that is the "police" fair minded or an asshole? sure, two minutes into one final minute seems reasonable...but what happens (and it does, we've seen it) if you get "that guy" who calls the clock on you for what they think is an acceptable amount of time because they make decisions by then...which may happen to be 20 seconds, id be going insane if i got the clock called on me that fast (Can you imagine Salaburu calling the clock on people every time he would have already made a decision? like the hell?!)


My take on this and my ideas - The idea is sound and i agree with the principle that people, on the whole, take far too long for their decisions...the problem i have with the current solutions is three is the simple fact that self policing is not only time consuming for the players, inconvenient for all those concerned, but also open to some SERIOUS bias amongst some players (count all your chips for an all in at a WPT final table, then call the clock literally two seconds after? you sir...make me sick), it should be used as a tool to keep the game flowing, not as a tactic for others to second issue that the idea of "one tank" is just not enough, nobody runs through a tournament and only has one time where he has to seriously sit down and think...ive always been a stalwart for the idea that you have five game changing decisions per obviously some are simple, but there is no way one tank would ever third issue stems from my first and actually partially contradicts it, if we were to implement an actual shot clock, who enforces it? do we burden the dealers with even more work? does every casino have to buy a bunch of stopwatches/clocks? do we just offer this in specific tournaments and defeat the idea of this discussion altogether?

Solution - 90 seconds to make a decision on any given street, with three "Extension Cards" which can be traded in for an extra 90 seconds in that decision, but only one card per street. Extension Cards are re-distributed at the beginning of each day, and during a final table these times become 120 seconds with a 120 second be implemented by clocks on each table, operated by a simple button the dealer presses next to them, along with a five second countdown.


Now my solution is relatively sound, it might not be practical for every card room to get the clocks with proper buttons and all that, although that said picking up simple stopwatches these days costs less than the rake you get off a player in a simple comp! so the benefits far outweigh the gives people the chance to use extras where required, adds a new level of depth to the game in the fact you only get three cards per day, there is the very real possibility you could use one on the flop, turn and story what are you going to do for the next 9 hours? plus the simple fact is that 30 second comps work all over the place, literally 0 people can moan with triple that time...not to mention 90 seconds is where most people call the clock anyway, this just removes that extra minute unless the person REALLY needs it.

So, thats my take on this entire debate, feel free to comment below, or message me at @PeterThorpe1991 or even message me on my Facebook page, apart from that, have a fantastic christmas and i shall write more ramblings soon!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Come On...These Guys Give Us Everything.

Right, its been four months since i last wrote one of these, i appologise for that but trying to salvage a uni degree sort of took command for a exam left on Thursday (Lets hope that doesn't flop) and then its down to job hunting for me...lord knows what ill take going forward but yeah, should be interesting.

Ive decided to write this to express my emotions on something that is close to me in some ways but also miles away in others. That being the owners of dusk till dawn, the company itself, the things they do and (in this instance) the recent WSOP sattelite problems. Now id like to make very clear from the outset i understand that next to nobody will give a damn what is written here, im a £20-£100 player, with the backers to put me into £500 events about twice a year...i understand that to most people i'm utterly useless at the game. But this blog post isn't about me at all, so whatever.

Dusk Till Dawn is one of the most influential voices in the UK poker community, run by some of the most committed and dedicated people you will see for miles around. They have spent lavishly to give us players everything we want. Good structures, good tournaments, added value. All that type of stuff. Sure changes have had to be made to turn it into a full casino, but in today's climate, can you honestly blame them?

The thing is, while DTD does have some pitfalls, and id be the first to admit them along with the rest of you. They do not, for one second, do us down in any way. And quite frankly people need to start giving this place, and the people that run it, ALOT more respect than they currently do because recently, its been crap.

It is not our right to all these added bonuses, its not our right to expect everything to be perfect when we go to the club. Sure we'd like it like that, but name me a time youve gone to a business and walked away, thought REALLY hard, and found NO faults at all? None, Zip, Nada.....yeah, thought so.

My main gripe has to do with a blog from one of the owners (Read it here)...Reading this makes me realise a number of things, and while i could write entire essays about it i wont, ill just summarize my points.

1. Rob works his sodding arse off, along with Simon, Alex and the rest, to make sure we have the premier place to play poker in the we ALL give them the respect they deserve? hell no.
2. The decision to reduce the sattelite seats is fine, moving goalposts isn't a good thing i agree, but when your gonna have people pledge then go back on their word? DTD have all the rights in the world to change it as a result of that.
3. Anyone who did go back on there world should take a long bloody look at themselves. While the odd one or two might have had legit reasons, most of you just went to play a fancy new tour...instead of supporting your mate's tournament? where the potential is far greater than some random ass series that's been about all of a month? its pathetic.
4. Before i hear any crap about "aww yeah but i don't see you helping blah blah piss moan"...yeah, that's cause im a student that lives off his loans alone, i broke the bank to play the UKIPT last month to be part of history with the club, and if i had had the money or the backers (and been 21) id have snapped this up. so shut up and sit down...
5. To all you people who think you can start barking out demands entirely on the basis that "well if you don't we wont play and you'll lose more money"...grow up, i understand you all want an edge but seriously, its that kind of attitude that sees things like this pulled out of the market, and don't deny for one second that if DTD closed, you'd have ALOT less value than the little bit off the odd tournament here and there.
6. Rob, Simon, any of you...if you actually go off and read this, What you do for us players does not go unnoticed, sure this event is a flash in the pan, the overlay sucks but it happens...but at least some of us don't consider what you do for us a god given guys are sodding amazing for what you do and everyone should appreciate it...or at the very least shut up moaning when you change something cause you don't want to get rained on...

Sure, ive got things id change at the club, things id add...but ill eventually get round to mentioning them in the appropriate ways, i wont go emailing pissing and moaning because something that, in fairness, doesn't actually have to be there...gets removed all of a sudden, its just stupid.

Anyway, enough of me ranting like a lunatic. Just read this through and take note, this place is great, its people are amazing, respect it like we should...cause think about it, if we lost it, nothing could truly replace it the same way...

...And to be honest, i don't want no replacement...

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Blogger's Dream

Now it's not often i get the chance to write up one of these blogs for nothing but personal gain, but today seems the chance. Although in fairness, id have written about this anyway.

In just about a weeks time, this very blog could be put into the public consciousness, how? through the WBCOOP (World Bloggers Championship of Online Poker). Its exclusive, its got some pretty nifty prizes, its likely to be full of people with a mixed range of talent, some there for a good time...some there to take it serious. But more than that...its a step forward for not only me. But my backers alike.

These events offer SCOOP tickets as prizes....the very events that cause dreams to be made, cast and thrown into the minds of those who play them. I would play them anyway. but the more tickets earned as a result...the better it gets for everyone...why? because ive already penciled in the events i want to play (based on last years schedule...come on pokerstars give me my damn list for this year!) every ticket won will just be added into the schedule rather than free-rolling me into events...

As for the series itself...should i cash, a ticket gets posted into the account...for the $5,000 main event. And that's where my passion lies for this...people who read this blog know full well about the ferocity i put into these kinds of events...and that kind of cash (around £3,200 at last check) would put me into the events ive dreamt of for so many years...

If i won it? it would pay for the dream of a lifetime, the UKIPT Nottingham would become an instant seller, rather than me having to find backers to make up whatever i would pay for events in the SCOOP as also fairly certain it'd take me on holiday as a treat for the victory..., it would pay for the victory party of a lifetime as well...ive booked out various nightclubs in Nottingham because of wins before...pretty certain you can do alot with that kind of cash (free bar anyone? :D). But the victory itself would give me one thing that money cannot thing that, as it stands...ive come close to but never actually felt.


Ive come within one card of becoming a world champion before...and that, to this day...leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, so to be able to call myself the best poker playing blogger in the world? with the bankroll to put me into the events ive spent the best part of my life trying to get to?

Where do i sign?...

(Also in backing news, currently the shares for the UKIPT Nottingham are evaporating at an alarming rate...seems turning around 10,000% ROI is causing people to stump up and put some faith in a stubborn horse!...remember that its £3.85 per share, worth 0.25% of the winnings from the event, which could turn £3.85 to an estimated £375...pretty certain if you bought four lottery tickets and got back four hundred quid you'd be loving life :D)

Friday, 10 February 2012

Looking Ahead

It's two words I use an awful lot. Looking ahead. It's something I do quite alot, planning ahead has always given me stability, always given me time to prepare, to focus on the good, eliminating the bad. And from the look of things it needs to be back in my life. I won't give cryptic clue in this blog, nor will I beat about the bush either.

Friends, family and backers alike. Read this and read it well.

I'm taking march don't get me wrong ill likely play a few events but it'll be entirely off my own back. I've looked ahead to realise that so much more matters than just small events to pass the time, extending a small yet flourishing record is all well and good, but there's no big hit, no major score. I've come second, but in a series few people actually pay attention to. That stops now.

On April 19th the UKIPT Nottingham kicks off. And I will be there.
The buyin may be £770 (five times larger than I've ever played. But I will be there.

I'm taking march off to revise, to focus my mind on the largest event I'll have ever played...regardless of the amount of backing I get I will put up every penny I don't manage to get. I'll buy books, take notes, talk to close friends both in and out of the poker circles. I'll work on my discipline, my drive is already there but I'll focus on harnessing it. I'll create new contacts, forge new allies.

I will walk into that Thursday as a man totally prepared for the task that lays ahead, focused and committed to bring home every drop of potential I have. Ready to take the world by storm unlike anything else.

This event has international implications: I'll be ready
This event is the longest I've ever entered: I'll be ready
This event has the most pros assembled all year: I'll be ready
This event will have sponsors looking for the next thing: I'll be ready
This event has a six digit first prize: I'll be ready

This event has me: I'll be ready

For anyone in doubt of how seriously committed I am about this I suggest you read again. This event is the biggest shot at forging a future in this game...I've spent 15 years, three quarters of my life, getting to this stage. It's not enough. I want more...

So to my backers, while your numbers have dwindled, get yourself in on this, I've got everything on my sleeve for this so it won't go to waste
So to my family, you might not approve of what I'm about to do but it won't change, so long as I have some support, that's all that counts
So to my friends, be there if you a backer or just for support, I need to rally everyone I know for this...I promise by all I hold it will be worth it in the end...

I'm looking ahead to a brighter future, to a better me...and while it might take the next days and weeks to get there, it will happen...

Just wait, look ahead...see what I plan to create.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

The Beginnings Of A Revolution

This month.....i have no idea what it is but something feels better than usual. Now dont get me wrong it might be because i won one of the first tournaments online i entered for the year (not the first time its been the 13th that was a win either) thats making me all hyper and giddy...but if its not then i seriously believe i stand a chance of becoming a big name in at least one of the games i play...not this year, but this month.

Alot had been mentioned of prioritizing, i couldnt keep trying to be as big as i was in all that i did. Something had to give. And while it has, ive managed to keep two loves together for a while at least. And couldnt be more happy about it!

This month sees the coming together of these two great adventures, it might only be the first month of the year but it already has the potential to become huge, with alot of lasting consequences.

To win one side books me a ticket to barcelona, competing against the best in the world...normally i enter these on nothing more than hope and prayers. Not this time. For once ive got a deck that ive perfected and have never felt so confident going in. It's secret weapons will baffle and confuse all those around me, because lord knows i only need to win 9 matches to get there...ive won more than that every day ive tested...seems good right?

To win the other side would catapult me into the dreams ive held for so many years. provide me with the type of cash some people spend an entire year to earn...maybe even more. It would put me in the spotlight, even if only for one fleeting moment...This is the route that matters the most to me, and always will. I was within seconds, inches, a single breath from being in that spotlight already...and its a burning ambition that still lights the fire to this day.

I dont start games, sports, anything. To come close and settle for that. Not now. Not ever.

This month will shape the entire year, and while the first pieces look promising, things could so easily change either way. All that i can hope is that at the end, i can throw the victory party that was snatched from my grasp all those months ago.

Trust me, its been 5 months in the making...i wont be denied it twice...